Learning by Using
Learning by Using

Well go ahead! After all, you did study it at junior high, senior high and perhaps university.
Stuck? What’s the problem? Come on!
迷ってる? 何をためらっているんですか? さあ、始めましょう!
Hmm. This is an ongoing issue for many people. Wanting to communicate in English but just not being able to get anything out.
I recently had a bizarre experience in the form of being the only foreigner on a Japanese tour of Egypt. Apart from the fact that the schedule was the most punishing of my life, I was astounded by the fact that, at no point did my fellow tourists attempt to engage with the Egyptian people. One girl opposite me said something briefly in English at breakfast the first morning so I was tricked into thinking that she and some of the others would have a go at having a chat. But it was far from that. In 6 days we’d seen one of the Seven Wonders of the World and some of Africa’s greatest treasures, but had not communicated with the people that live with these treasures every day. On the other hand many Egyptians had learned Japanese to communicate with us even if only to sell us some sand. But there was more to it than that. Egyptians asked me about it.
I do know that people want to talk with you. So, let’s chat.
First of all, how do you start a conversation with a foreigner and how do you keep it going?
Yikes! What’s that sound? 難しいぃぃぃぃぃ!
Take it easy. It’s not difficult. Let’s help you get started. We’ll start with greetings.
Q: Hi. How are you?
A: I’m fine. Thanks. And you?
Q: Hello. How are you?
A: I’m well. Yourself?
Q: Hiya. You alright mate?
A: Yeah. You alright?
Q: Hey. What’s up?
A: What’s up?
Now, skip the self-introduction and age questions and let’s get a good conversation going by asking something fun. So, what do you want to talk about? What makes exciting conversation? As you give it some thought, here are a few ideas, along with suggestions from some people who have spent time in Japan. Have a look.
Hazel in CairoHazel in Cairo
Early Years Teacher 年少児童の教師
Interested in photography, travel, playing with my cats, yoga, belly dance, K1, Dreaming.
Dream: To open a children's centre for under 5s, where the kids take control of their own learning, and to marry Benecio DelToro, to live in Cairo...Oh hang on...
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
Vishnu, the elephant god from India by a local unknown artist, my own photos, taken on my travels, and the paw prints of my cats.
What was your favourite experience in Japan?
Miyajima in autumn, taking photos of people harvesting oysters, drinking Asahi, whilst eating the oysters. Seeing Alistair Overeem at Dream 12 in Osaka, Dancing with trannies on a podium in Underlounge in Osaka.
秋の宮島でカキの収穫をする人々の写真を撮ったこと、カキを食べながらアサヒビールを飲んだこと、大阪のドリーム12でAlistair Overeemを見たこと、同じく大阪のアンダーラウンジナイトクラブのお立ち台でニューハーフたちと踊ったこと。
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
Have I got chocolate round my mouth?
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
"How do you feel about...?"
Rajesh in GurgaonRajesh in Gurgaon
Rajesh Rajappan ラジェシュ・ラジャパン
Currenttly in Gurgaon, India インドのグルガオン
Process Specialist 化学の製造の専門家
Interested in playing cricket and soccer クリケットとサッカー
Dream: To run my own company/consultancy 自分の会社の設立
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
Pictures depicting Ramayana characters I bought in Thailand ラマヤナが登場する絵、タイで買った物
What was your favourite experience in Japan?
There was a traffic jam on the way from the refinery to hotel as lot of vehicles were not going past a car which met with a small accident. There were two lanes, but people in the lane where the accident happened were not going past the car that had met with the accident, through the second lane.
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
Hardworking, precise, developed but reserved. 勤勉で几帳面、先進的だけれど控えめ 。
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
Which part of India are you from? インドのどちらからいらしたのですか?
Andrew in ChicagoAndrew in Chicago
アンドリュー・ブレーキー/ 米国のシカゴ
High school history teacher 高校の歴史の教師
Interested in watching American football, collecting vinyl records
Dream: To marry a great gal, have great children. すてきな女性と結婚して、優秀な子どもをもつこと。
Do yu have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
A portrait of me, it is a magnificent work of art! 自画像、優れた芸術作品です。
What was your favourite experience in Japan?
Walks in Korakuen Garden 後楽園での散歩
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
Life is good! 人生っていいものだ!
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
Who is the greatest Japanese Chicago Cubs baseball player ever?
Answer: Kosuke Fukudome (and actually the only one) 福留こうすけ(一人しかいないね。)
Ijeoma in LondonIjeoma in London
Marketing Manager マーケティングマネージャー
Interested in cooking (bad) food, music, theatre, photographic art, Tudor history
Dream: To perform live on stage (singing or acting), to own an original piece of art work, to have a family with my husband.
Favourite experience in Japan:
Riding through Kibiji, Soja City 吉備路、総社でサイクリングしたこと。
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
What does 'Ijeoma' mean? イジョマってどうゆう意味ですか?
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
What will be, will be...
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
No, because my husband won't even let me put shelves up!
Laura in ChileLaura in Chile
Laura Brown ローラ・ブラウン/ チリ
English teacher 英語教師
Interested in yoga, traveling ヨガ、旅行
Dream:To meet the man of my dreams. 理想の男性に出会うこと
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
No. 何も飾っていません。
Favourite experience in Japan:
Onsen 温泉です。
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
What language do they speak in your country (in other words not just assume everyone speaks English) あなたの国では、何語を話しますか?(つまり、誰もが英語を話す訳じゃないことを配慮してほしい。)
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
How's it going, mate? ねえ、このごろどう?
Eric in USAEric in USA
エリック・スチュアート/ アメリカ
House builder 住宅の建築
Interested in aviation, reading 飛行機の操縦、読書
Dream: I'm living it 今の生活です。
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
Modern art originals by Japanese artists - no one famous (yet)
What was your favourite experience in Japan?
Weekly Zen at Daijoji in Kanazawa. 金沢にある大乗寺での週に一度の座禅。
What's an English expression you'd like to know the Japanese for?
A polite version of "WTF?" "WTF?"の丁寧な言い方
What question do you wish Japanese people would ask?
Where's the beef? (This means what are you complaining about?) 何をごちゃごちゃ言ってんねん!
Wow! That was interesting.
But even after all that advice, there are still echoes of doubt. Oh, it’s difficult, I’m shy, I have no confidence, I can’t, it’s impossible.
Communicating in another language is not easy, but it’s not impossible. The key to success in communication, like anything else, is to enjoy the challenge. Rather than worry about the challenge itself, try to have fun. Never mind about knowing an exact word, expression, or grammar or worse, feeling embarrassed about making a mistake. Just try to express yourself with body language, drawing, humour and whatever language you know. The necessity to express oneself is the driving force. Communication is about exchange and everyone has something to share.
外国語 でのコミュニケーションは簡単ではありませんが不可能でもありません。コミュニケーションを成功させる秘訣は、何事に関してもそうであるようにチャレンジ を楽しむ事です。どうしようかと悩むより楽しむ気持ちが大切です。正確な単語や表現、文法を知らなくても気にすることはありませんし、間違えたら恥ずかし いと思う必要もありません。ボディランゲージや、絵、ユーモア、何でもいいから知っている範囲の言葉などを使って言いたい事を表現してみてください。自己 表現に必要なのは積極性です。コミュニケーションとは意志を伝え合う事であり、誰もがお互いに共有できる何かを持っています。
It’s important to have a positive attitude to learning new things. Of course you’re only human and at times you may have doubts, but that’s all part of the wave motion. Sometimes you’re up sometimes you’re down.
Often, people say, ‘I have no confidence. That’s a ‘catch 22’, just like the lottery. You want to buy a lottery ticket but you don’t think you’ll win. At the same time you certainly won’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket.
But if the rewards are guaranteed then you’ll try, won’t you?
新しい事を学ぶために大切なのは前向きな姿勢です。もちろんあなたはただの人間であり、ときには疑問を持つでしょう。しかしそれらをひっくるめて心の波動な のです。やる気の浮き沈みはあるものです。人はよく「自信がない」と言います。それは宝くじのジレンマのようなものです。宝くじは買いたいけど当たる気が しない。しかし宝くじは買わなければ決して当たることはないのです。だからもし良い結果が保証されるならトライしますよね?
Let’s find out what rewards there are to speaking a foreign language.
I asked around.
Takayoshi in KurashikiTakayoshi in Kurashiki
松永 宇祥 Matsunaga Takayoshi
エンジニア Engineer
趣味:スノーボード Interested in snowboarding
夢:世界的に活躍する技術者 Dream: To be an engineer overseas
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
屋久島の風景 Yakushima Isl. Scenery
Favourite foreign experience:
Rafting and observing an elementary school in New Zealand, We were able to go to places that we couldn't go to on a regular tour.
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
About my family, it’s easy to talk about in English.
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
日本のことわざ、四文字熟語など。 例えば、「猿も木から落ちる」、「一期一会」など。
Japanese proverbs, 4 Kanji phrases; for example, “Even monkeys fall from tree or Treasure every meeting, for it will never recur. (Forrest Gump) .
または、海外で使うと失礼な表現 例えば、「ブラックアメリカン」など。
Also, I want to know expressions we should not use in another countries.
For example, we should not say “Black American” ,
How has speaking a foreign language rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
I made an American friend in Okayama. We climbed Mt Daisen together. It was fun.
Nao in OkayamaNao in Okayama
岸 奈緒 Nao Kishi
Occupation: 派遣社員(一般事務) Office clerk
趣味: 旅行 Interested in travelling
夢: 色々な国に行くことDream: To travel to loads of countries around the world
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
ない 。No, not at all.
Favourite foreign experience:
オーストラリアにワーキングホリデーで一年間滞在したこと。My year in Australia on a working holiday
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
日本についての感想や意見。About my own impressions of Japan
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
がんばれ!! Go for it!
How has speaking a foreign language rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
Sayuri in KurashikiSayuri in Kurashiki
小林 小百合 Sayuri Kobayashi
カメラ屋店員 Camera shop clerk
Interested in Zen, Cats, Soseki Natsume/English, Chinese languages
夢: 中国語をマスターしたい Dream: To master Chinese languages
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
アパートの壁は飾り物禁止だから。No, I don't. No posters or decorations allowed on the walls in my apartment.
Favourite foreign experience:
はじめての香港。すべてが映画と同じに思えて興奮した。My first time in Hong Kong. It was like a movie set and everything was exciting.
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
日本で一番人気のあるコメディアンはだれですか?Who is the most popular Japanese comedian?
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
すべての禅語 Every Zen word
How has speaking a foreign rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
話ができて良かったという幸福感が得られる。To be able to find happiness
Junko in KurashikiJunko in Kurashiki
皆木純子 Junko Minagi
メディカルミュージアム職員/Medical museum staff
趣味: 旅行、映画鑑賞、ヨガ Interested in travelling, watching films, yoga
夢: 海外移住 Dream: To live abroad.
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
モジリアーニ(お下げ髪の少女)Mojiriani art
Favourite foreign experience: サンフランシスコ、コロラド Visiting San Francisco and Colorado.
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
日本の伝統的な文化、日本語について About Japanese traditional culture and the Japanese language.
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
(1) 遠慮しないで (2) いただきます (3) ご祝儀 (4) 香典
How has speaking a foreign rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
(1) 自分に自信が持て自由に外国人とコミュニケーションができる。
I have confidence to communicate freely with foreign people.
(2) 仕事で使える。
I use English at work.
Tomoko in TexasTomoko in Texas
大熊 朋子 Tomoko Okuma
バレエ、ストレッチの指導者 Ballet and stretching instructor
趣味:食べること、バレエ、庭いじり Interested in cuisine, ballet and gardening
夢: 世界中のバレエを見て回ること Dream: To go to the ballet everywhere in the world
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
アントワープの絵 (以前住んでいた街の好きな場所のリトグラフなの)、 モネ、 ヴァン・ゴッボ (現物を見てそれぞれ子 供たちやダーリンが気に入って美術館で購入したレプリカの絵を飾ってます)
Pictures of places I liked in Antwerp City where my family and I lived before, also, Monet and Van Gough replicas that my husband and children bought at museums in Europe.
Favourite foreign experience:
劇場に行ってバレエを見たり、生の演奏を聴くこと。家族での旅行(ときには 家族で行くスキー旅行)。 お友達の国の 家庭料理を教わったり、教えたりすること。ホームパーティ(気の合う家族で食事しながら語り合 うこと)
Going to the ballet or concerts, family trips for example skiing trips and learning how to cook dishes from the countries of my foreign friends. Dinner parties at home with friends, chatting and stuff.
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
何でもOKよ。日本の歴史・文化・言語、謙譲の美、哲学的な話題、 子育ての話題、バレエのこと、食べ物のこと、庭いじりの話、何でもOK。Anything really. Say, something about Japanese history, culture, the language or our virtues, philosophical topics or something about child rearing, cuisine or gardening.
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
明日は明日の風が吹く。 ‘Tomorrow is another day’.
How has speaking a foreign language rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
お陰で今でも 世界中にお友達が居て繋がっている。例えばみんな家族で倉敷に来てくれたり、今、夏季と一矢はベルギーに行っていたり、こんな繋がりが私の財産だわ。
I’ve been able to make lots of friends from around the world who along with their families, have visited my family and I, here in Kurashiki. Recently, two of my children spent time with friends of ours in Belgium. I have come to treasure my international friendships.
Shizuko in OkayamaShizuko in Okayama
岡本 しずこ Shizuko Okamoto
Interested in teaching Japanese, floral arrangement and reading whatever there is of interest around.
夢: ヨーロッパをじっくりまわりたい。できる事ならイギリスの田舎に住んで、好きな英文学をよんで、それに書かれた土地を訪ねたい。Dream: I’d like to travel around Europe slowly. If possible I’d like to live in a village in the UK, spend time reading my favourite English literature and visit some of the locations in which the stories are based.
Do you have any art up on your walls at home? If yes, what?
ドイツザクセンハウゼンの絵、三点。ウィグルの絵一点 Three remembrance paintings of Sachsenhausen, Germany
Favourite foreign experience
Being in Germany and witnessing of the revolutionary fall of the Berlin wall. I still have piece if it.
What question do you wish foreign people would ask you?
Whatever’s OK, perhaps, something about current affairs in Japan, Japanese culture or about books I’ve recently read
What's a Japanese expression you'd like to know in another language?
惻隠の情 (?)
How has speaking a foreign rewarded your efforts to learn that language?
When my family moved to Europe as a result of my husband work placement I was able to help us adapt to the change quickly.
That was encouraging, indeed.
So, it seems that there are a lot of rewards to speaking a foreign language, the main being, becoming an interactive part of the international community. Everyone seems to want to discover each others’ countries, share their impressions and to express some pretty heartfelt and funny expressions.
というわけで、外国語を話す利点はたくさんあります。まず第一に、国際社会でのスムーズな相互関係が築けます。 誰でもお互いの国について知り、印象を分かち合い、とても心のこもったおもしろい表現で気持ちを表したいと思うでしょう。
Well, what do you want to discover or share? Let’s talk about it!
By the way, I’d thrown in a random question about what art people had on their walls just to find out a little about, how people express themselves in their home surroundings. I wonder what impressions you got from the responses?
Chat about that sometime!